Optum Health provides care directly through local medical groups and ambulatory care systems, including primary, specialty, urgent and surgical care to 101 million consumers.

As part of the 2022 case competition, Optum asked participants to alleviate social determinants of health inequity that bring down costs to an underserved demographic.

Our team focussed on developing a service that would improve care and treatment for pregnant women with disabilities

Optum x Corporate Startup Lab

Tags: Service Design

Project Time: 3 days

Team: Aishwarya Kura, Archita Raj, Me

Impact: Top 10 Finalist in CSL Case Competition, pitched service idea to Optum

Gaps in Maternity Care for Women with Disabilities


From our research, we found there is a gap in documenting and giving treatment to pregnant women with disabilities. Because of a lack of resources, health practitioners are often not properly informed to handle pregnancies in women with disabilities and the women themselves feel isolated and unsupported during pregnancy and after giving birth.


The three day challenge

we had three days to identify and come up with an idea, service, or product that would help an underserved group. To meet our deadline we set a deliverable for each day. We were also grateful to receive feedback from 2 faculty members (Rebecca Apple, Peter Boatwright) and 1 service designer (Manchit Rajani) to further refine and scope our service idea.


Elevator pitch

Check out our elevator pitch and slide deck!