Product Page Revamp



Revea is a skincare brand that stands out by offering customized solutions that use AI technology to diagnose skin concerns. Their storefront on Union Street in San Francisco allows individuals to have their skin photographed and analyzed. Additionally, Revea has developed technology that allows individuals to run some of their diagnostic tests using their smartphone. While their unique value proposition is impressive, their old product pages failed to effectively communicate the capabilities of their technology and what sets them apart from other customized skincare brands. The recent redesign was focused on understanding what information individuals wanted to see and addressing any concerns that may have made them hesitant about trusting the brand.




60% Increase in conversions

Monica Louis, Kana Panchmatia (Founder), Rebecca Chen

I conducted user research, synthesized insights, and created design strategies for the serum pages, skin assessment, and technology page. Additionally, I performed a competitive analysis, presented the redesign to the founder, and handed over the UI to the engineering teams for development.


4 weeks for research + design


In order to meet the deadline for the redesign, we focused on swiftly identifying user pain points and evaluating competitors to develop new product pages that effectively conveyed the distinctive advantages of Revea. However, we encountered an unexpected obstacle when the company decided to adopt a new design system for the entire product. As a result, I had to redo all of the previously designed pages with the new components and create new ones that adhered to the updated style.



To save time, I arranged four virtual user interviews with women who fit the brand's target demographic. During the interviews, I asked the participants to browse the home page and product pages while sharing their thoughts, both positive and negative. Afterward, I asked them a set of questions to determine what information was missing or unclear for them to make a purchase and to gauge their overall perception of the brand.


Revea in contrast to other customized beauty brands offers image analysis of skin and a personal skin concierge to every customer that purchases a subscription.

I took a look at 10 beauty brand product pages to see what key information was highlighted and the information hierarchy of the product pages.


Through my research, I found that most people spend the majority of their time scanning the information presented in the first fold of a webpage. This could include carousel images or product descriptions. If nothing catches their interest in this section, they are significantly less likely to continue reading.

To address this, I made some design decisions, such as moving information that was originally placed later on the page and turning it into carousel images. Additionally, I made sure that the product description and reviews were easy to read from this section.


My goal was to emphasize and highlight the most important information, like the value proposition and the unique features of the product. To streamline the page and make it more valuable to potential customers, I removed sections such as "how it works" and "get to the root cause" which was adding bulk without adding value.


When buying skincare products, I discovered that social proof plays a significant role in building trust in the product. However, it can be challenging to rely on social proof because some people may view it as insincere.

After conducting user testing, I found that all the users regarded the current social proof sections (reviews and before-and-after photos) as fake. To address this issue, I created a section that highlighted genuine reviews posted by users on social media platforms like Instagram and linked them to the product page.

I also proposed adding a community Q&A section that would help users share their experiences and seek support.


The latest designs launched were based on Rebecca's new design system. Although there was some uncertainty about when to switch, the company aimed to revamp the entire product during the redesigned timeline. This required me to quickly adapt my designs to the new system. Despite the challenge, the experience of adopting the new system was beneficial as it taught me about creating and modifying components without sacrificing the overall design.

Some of the features I pushed for such as community Q&A were put on hold to accommodate for the development teams switching to the new design system.


the new product page saw almost a 60% increase in conversions, and from secondary tests, there was a 100% increase in brand trust.

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UX/UI Design