Revea Mobile Redesign


Revea is a skincare brand that stands out by offering customized solutions that use AI technology to diagnose skin concerns. Their storefront on Union Street in San Francisco allows individuals to have their skin photographed and analyzed. In late 2022, the company hoped to launch its mobile experience publically which would offer individuals the opportunity to get a part of Revea’s lab experience through their smartphones.

Following the soft launch, the team aimed to promptly address any issues that arose, in order to ensure a seamless official launch.


Responsible for research, conceptualisation, design, user testing and delivery of key modules and feature areas.


2 Designers


June 2022- January 2023

April 2023- June 2023 (New Design System)

Redefining the mobile experience


To meet tighter deadlines, we divided the project into multiple phases and 4 smaller projects, utilizing lean processes that consisted of three essential stages: research, ideation, and validation. The first phase utilized the old design system, and later we redesigned all the screens using the new design system.


The company noticed low conversions on the product during the soft launch of their mobile experience. I conducted preliminary research by interviewing users and observing their behavior. I identified the areas that needed the most improvement and collaborated with the PM to understand the metrics that required attention. Together, we prioritized the parts of the mobile experience that needed to be addressed, starting with the highest priority items.

Need for smoother Onboarding

Many users didn’t even begin their skin assessment, what was causing this? We hypothesized that the onboarding screens were not providing enough context and incentive to motivate the user to move into the assessment phase.

Lack of Trust

As a new brand, Revea needed to gain user trust, but there was still a lot of confusion about the technology and the accuracy of the assessment and product.

Confusion on Skin Report and Product Recommendations

Screen tracking showed us that users did not follow a linear path when moving through their skin report and product pages. There was a lot of back and forth, we wanted to understand what was causing this behavior


Although the redesign boasts numerous new features, I would like to draw attention to the product features that I personally contributed to during the development phase.

New Onboarding Screens

Improved visuals on the onboarding screens helps users understand the product and helps set experctations on the experince.

AI Persona

To make the experience feel more guided we introduced an AI persona “R” that takes users through the entire process.

Skin Report and Product Pages

improved the information hierarchy on the skin report and product section to help users understand the correlation between the product and the report.

I wanted to understand how users went through the entire existing flow, how different parts influence the whole, how the onboarding screens prepare the user for the skin assessment, and how the long questionnaire affects their interest in viewing the skin report. How does the entire experience influence their decision to make a purchase?

I conducted 15 one on one user interviews, 3 were with individuals who have visited the SF lab for an in-person visit as well. I observed users go through the entire user flow, and from here I was able to generate some high-level insights that would be valuable for all of the smaller projects.

Finding 1: In the in-person visits are deeply personal, users are able to share their stories and get feedback from the lab tech. Going through the skin report is easy since a person is able to explain it to you, highlighting areas you need to work on and answering any questions.

How can we make this experience feel more personalized?

Finding 2: The long skin assessment quiz is tiring, there is no light at the end of the tunnel for a first-time user

How can we highlight the value, and make the experience more engaging?

Finding 3: People read through the skin report but it is unclear to them that the product recommendations that follow are customized, they feel that the skin report was just a method to convince them to purchase a one size fits all product.

How can we make it more apparent that every product is customized for the individual?

Finding 4: There is confusion about the technology, which in turn creates a lack of trust in product and skin assessment results. Users have a hard time grasping the information being shown to them about the image analysis process. The imagery that is present is confusing.

How can we make the technology easy to understand, and highlight Revea’s unique story?



As a team, we wanted to enhance the mobile experience by exploring different versions of storytelling. We brainstormed various ideas and realized that identifying our story was crucial as it would influence all aspects of the redesign. We had to decide whether to focus more on technology since this would affect the onboarding, quiz, and skin report. Alternatively, we could concentrate on our ingredient story rather than a product-focused approach. Once we all agreed on the story, we moved to other parts of the redesign.

Building Context for Skin Report

Breaking up the flow

I attempted a method where the user would be directed to a dashboard after the onboarding process, and the assessment would be divided into smaller parts to make it easier to understand.

To pique the user's interest, a sample report would be provided, encouraging them to finish the assessment and giving them a preview of what to expect. Although the original plan was discarded, the concept of dividing the process into stages was still implemented.

*note these screens were designed using an older design system

I had an idea for the skin report that involved adding processing screens for users to see before accessing the report itself. With 40 different parameters to consider, it can be overwhelming and confusing for those who are not familiar with technical terms. The focus of this idea was to highlight key information from the individual's skin report, allowing them to enter the report with a better understanding of their skin's strengths and areas for improvement.


you can view the redesign here, make sure to view from your smartphone to test the skin assessment!

After the redesign, there was a notable decrease of about 80% in drop-offs, with positive feedback from users. User testing showed that 90% of users were able to easily understand the technology and skin report, and immediately recognized that the product was customized to their skin needs.


UX/UI Design


UX Design & Research